A quality restaurant bar towel gives absorbency, reliability, and efficient cleaning power to your employees. There’s no replacing an effective bar towel. One that’s managed by a qualified and ready supplier like Century Linen and Uniform is even better. 

Here’s what bar towels by Century Linen get you: 

Reliable Performance and Service

In an industry as full of variables as the restaurant industry, it’s important to have confidence in the materials that help it run. The bar towels that you rely on are no exception. From efficiency in the moment to reliability all night, a quality bar towel will be up to the task. Only a bar towel with superior performance can handle everything your business can throw at it. Century Linen supplies only reliable bar towels. 

Professional Appearance

Appearances count for a lot in the restaurant business. Customers are only comfortable if they perceive it as a clean, safe place to eat. A stained, ragged towel doesn’t inspire confidence. A clean, neat towel on the other hand, says your restaurant is sanitary and safe. 

High-Quality Materials and Engineering

Quality is one of the determining factors of towel effectiveness. A bar towel that’s made of low-quality materials won’t retain the liquids it needs to or stand the test of time. While it might hold its own for a day or two, soon fraying and thinning will make it ineffective and challenging to use. Bar towels from Century Linen not only keep their effectiveness throughout your use of them, but they also always look good. 

Century Linen Has Quality, Always Clean Bar Towels

And when the supply gets low, you need a provider who will bring you the materials you need. Century Linen is that provider. We’ve got the supply, the quality, and the professional cleaning and monitoring procedures to ensure you only get professional-quality towels. Above all else, we are here for you!

For more information, give us a call at 800-721-7648, visit our website, or contact us here


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