First Aid Essentials For Your Business

Accidents can happen at any time, so why risk being unprepared? Here at Century Linen, we understand the importance of keeping you and your employees safe. That’s why we offer first aid kit programs to all of our customers!
The OSHA requires that first aid supplies be readily available in case of emergencies at the workplace. The easiest way to be ready for anything and ensure safety is to invest in a first aid kit.
Here is a breakdown of some first aid essentials you’ll need to build your kit and get prepared:
Bandages and Gauze
It may seem obvious to include band-aids in your first aid kit, but not all bandages are created equal. Different injuries require different bandages in a variety of shapes and sizes. In addition to the standard box of band-aids, add larger, smaller, and triangular bandages.
Additionally, small and large pieces of gauze are necessary in any first aid kit. Make sure to have adhesive tape on hand to keep the gauze from falling off the injured area. This way, you can more effectively and efficiently keep injuries in check and make medical professionals’ jobs easier.
In case of emergencies or if someone injured needs assistance, you will want to have gloves in your first aid kit. Gloves help protect not just against blood, but all bodily fluids and infections. Gloves can also be used as a makeshift tourniquet, wound irrigator, and chest seal.
The color of the gloves and what material they’re made of is important. While latex gloves might be the most common, it’s best to go with vinyl or nitrate in a blue or white color. Some people are allergic to latex and, if you get gloves in a dark color, it’s more difficult to see blood on them when assessing an injury.
Wound Cleaning Agent
If someone gets a cut or scrape on the job, you’ll want to make sure the wound is clean before it’s bandaged up. A few sealed moistened towelettes will be helpful to have in your first aid kit. Cleaning a wound completely before bandaging it reduces the risk of infection and cross-contamination.
Resuscitation Equipment
The OSHA reports that there are about 10,000 cardiac arrests in the workplace each year in the U.S. It’s best to have some resuscitation equipment in your workplace first aid kit. A resuscitation bag, airway, or pocket mask are great options in case CPR needs to be administered. Include basic CPR directions in your kit, but consider getting you and your staff CPR certified as well.
Depend on Century for First Aid Supplies
A first aid kit is essential in any workplace and filling it with the right tools is important. That’s why, here at Century Linen, we offer OSHA-compliant first aid programs. We provide fully stocked first aid kits and manage them on a weekly basis, taking care of all refills.
Let us save you time and give you peace of mind in the workplace! For more information on our first aid programs and more, contact us for a free quote at 800-721-7648.