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Improve Hotel Guest Experience in Winter with These Tips

Improve Guest Experience Winter

Improve hotel guest experience in winter with the following expert tips by Century Linen!

The winter season may be a slower time for most hotels and inns. There are fewer guests as most people prefer traditional winter destinations or stay with relatives for the holidays. Make a stay at your hotel a memorable experience no matter the season! Here’s how: 

Offer Enticing Winter Packages to Improve Hotel Guest Experience

Business and leisure travelers alike will appreciate it when there’s a little extra thought put into the service they receive. Because winter can be particularly challenging for travelers, give them something that is as useful as it is thoughtful.

You can go for little hand warmers that fit perfectly in their pockets so they can stay warm outdoors. A good set of lip balms are a salve to drying lips. You can also add hot chocolate packets to your welcome packages– tiny marshmallows included! There’s nothing like steamy cups of hot chocolate to warm winter hearts.

But what is a hotel stay if not for the bright, white, fluffy linens? More than the little treats and care packages, make sure those linens, blankets, and maybe an extra throw are clean and ready on each bed to keep your guests warm.

Increased Cleaning Efforts

Nothing is more comforting to hotel guests – at any time, any place, and any season – than peace of mind. Comfort your guests with the reassurance of cleanliness by boosting your hotel’s cleaning efforts.

Invest in better floor mops and more frequent cleanings as the winter season is rife with mud, snow, and slush that can dirty up your floors. Winter is also notorious for the spread of viral infections so the added cleaning measures are a must.

Make sure to add the right tools – wet mops to sop up the mud that came with the guests’ shoes and dry mops to dry the floors off with.

And because winter also means cold, musty smells, air freshener systems are more than required. Expand the odor control solution far beyond the restrooms, but do put an emphasis on protecting urinals with screens and make sure you have an adequate supply of air fresheners.

Promote Hand Hygiene 

While boosted janitorial efforts help keep the sniffles away, handwashing is still one of the best defenses against viruses. Make sure to stock up your hotel with your handwashing and hand sanitizing essentials!

Improve Floor Safety

Slip and fall accidents are never too far away during this season. Prepare your outdoor space adequately. More importantly, line up your floor mats to make sure your floors are extra safe during the season. Because floor mats are more in-demand and get dirtier faster during the winter season, working with a commercial floor mat service near you would be your most convenient option.

Century Linen Has Winter Covered!

Century Linen is your reliable provider for any season! Call us at (800) 721-7648 for your hotel linen service, commercial floor mat service, and restroom facility service needs. You may also fill out this form for inquiries, to set up consultations, or to request pricing.